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Valerian Root For Anxiety – What is Valerian & Does It Work For Stage Fright?
Valerian Root is a herb derived from the root of the valerian plant, and it has been in use as far back as the Greeks & Romans who used valerian root for fighting stress, migraines, insomnia & fatigue. As valerian has proven to be an excellent natural relaxant, its usage by performers looking to reduce performance anxiety & stage fright has increased dramatically. Here we look at what Valerian root is, whether it works for anxiety, what the side effects are and uncover if it’s a good tool for a musician, singer, public speaker, actor or anyone who suffers from anxiety to have in their toolbox.
4 Celebrities Who Use Beta Blockers To Help With Their Anxiety & Stage Fright
On the surface, it would seem like a lot of the famous performers we see on TV, on stage or on any other public platform, just have natural confidence. It seems like they were born with the ‘right temperament’ to be in show-biz. But it is becoming more and more clear that a lot of celebrities are actually using beta blockers, prescription medication designed to lower blood pressure, to help with their anxiety and stage fright symptoms. Some celebrities have even publicly spoken about their use of beta blockers for their anxiety, and in this article we hear from singers, musicians, comedians and other celebrities about their experiences with beta blockers. We also look at how beta blockers work and some natural alternatives.
What is the Best Vegan Collagen Supplement?
Collagen is an extremely important protein that our body uses to regenerate and replace old body tissue. As we age, we produce less and less collagen naturally and so many look to collagen supplements to provide the health benefits of collagen; namely supporting joint health, improving skin hydration, boosting hair & nail quality and maintaining healthy bone density & muscle mass. Collagen supplements are typically made of collagen peptides, which come from animal tissue. We set out to find out if a vegan collagen supplement exists that uses no animal products, and explain how a vegan collagen booster would work while revealing the best vegan collagen booster supplement available today…
Sulforaphane & Hair: Can Sulforaphane Stop Hair Loss?
One of the biggest factors involved with hair loss is DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), a hormone linked with testosterone that interacts with hair follicles and can cause them to shrink, thin & be more brittle. It has been reported that Sulforaphane, a plant compound that’s rich in sulfur & found predominantly in cruciferous vegetables, can have effects on hair and plasma levels of DHT. We investigate this DHT & Sulforaphane link and determine if Sulforaphane can stop hair loss.
Sulforaphane Benefits According to Rhonda Patrick & Jed Fahey
Both Dr. Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D. in biomedical science and Dr. Jed Fahey, assistant professor at John Hopkins Clinical Pharmacology division, have talked about the benefits of Sulforaphane in several interviews and through their own publications. In this article we summarize the numerous benefits of Sulforaphane according to both of these medical professionals, and further investigate the current research around Sulforaphane, commonly found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli sprouts.
What Supplements Does Dr Jed Fahey Use & Recommend? Sulforaphane vs Moringa
Dr. Jed Fahey has an extremely impressive résumé including being the Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Division of Clinical Pharmacology. He is now one of the leading researchers on the topic of phytochemistry, including some groundbreaking revelations around sulforaphane, moringa and myrosinase. Here we look at what supplements Dr. Jed Fahey uses & recommends, along with the brands he trusts and why.
The Health Benefits of Hot Springs
Hot springs have long been known to promote health and well-being, as well as having a spiritual aspect. For instance, Japan is famous for its hot springs and they have been used for thousands of years as a purifying ritual for the Shinto religion. Today people all over the world use hot springs to deal with pain, encourage healing, and relief stress. In this article we will cover the history of hot springs and how they can help you.
Debunking the Sulforaphane Cancer Link
A lot has been said about the Sulforaphane (found predominantly in cruciferous vegetables) and Cancer link. Studies have been performed to identify the effect Sulforaphane has on procarcinogens, it’s usage as a detoxification tool and a preventative against DNA damage. Here we look at Sulforaphane as a preventative and therapeutic tool against cancer, and demystify a lot of the confusion around this complex and developing topic.
How to Fight (and Get Rid of) Social Anxiety Fast
Social Anxiety can really have a negative impact on your life. It can effect everything from your body language through to your social network and status. If you’re constantly feeling anxious in social situations, the good news is that you are not alone and a lot of study and discoveries have been made in the space. In this article we go over several different techniques that you can use to fight Social Anxiety AND WIN!
Music Performance Anxiety in Classical Musicians – What We Know About Overcoming MPA
For most classic and career musicians, performance anxiety is a common experience; over 24% of professional musicians in one study claimed to have suffered from performance anxiety at some point during their career. Why do musicians experience performance anxiety symptoms so regularly… and what can they do about it? In this article, we look at several ways to identify and overcome performance anxiety if you are a professional musician.
The Best Supplements to Prevent Hearing Loss
Hearing Loss symptoms can be caused by a host of sources: aging, repeated exposure to loud noise, oxidative stress and even some medications can cause hearing loss. In the USA, 2% of the population experiences some sort of hearing loss by age 50. In this article, we look at what can cause hearing loss and why, and several supplements that have been shown in studies to restore hearing following hearing loss symptoms and, in some cases, protect you from hearing loss in the near-future.
Social Anxiety & Dating: 3 DIY Cures for Dating Anxiety
Do you have an upcoming romantic date or social event that’s causing you to experience anxiety symptoms? In this article we take a look at ‘dating anxiety’ – what causes it & how does it relate to social anxiety disorder (SAD)? Finally, we have researched and provided 3 effective dating anxiety cures to help you operate at your best in any social or high-anxiety situation.