How to Stay on the Keto Diet When You’re Traveling and Flying

Do you travel often and want to know how to stick to the keto diet while traveling by plane, car or train? In our guide to staying in ketosis while traveling, we show that with a bit of planning, it is entirely possible to stick to the keto diet even as you’re traveling by planes, trains, or even automobiles. We look at some of the ways you can remain in ketosis during your travels by bringing snacks, being strategic about where you stay, and other smart methods.

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How to stay on the Keto Diet while traveling abroad by plane or train or coach

Do you find it challenging to stick to the keto diet when you’re traveling by plane? Are you sick of the unhealthy food options at airports? Or do you often find that your hotel is surrounded by nothing but junk food restaurants? And inevitably, you end up giving in to unhealthy foods and get kicked out of ketosis.

The keto diet takes a lot of discipline to stick to, even when you’re home, and you’ve got access to a full kitchen. Traveling further complicates sticking to a low-carb, high-fat diet. And when you do find fatty foods, it is unlikely that they’d be made out of high-quality keto-friendly fats like coconut oil, almond butter, grass-fed butter, etc.

However, with a bit of planning and research, it is entirely possible to stick to the keto diet even as you’re traveling by planes, trains, or even automobiles. Here, we’ll take a look at some of the ways you can remain in ketosis during your travels by bringing snacks, being strategic about where you stay, and other methods.

Eat a pre-travel keto meal

Eat a satiating keto meal before you leave for the airport. If you can get through the majority of your travel without getting hungry, you’re less likely to eat while you’re on the road.

Why you should eat a keto-friendly meal before traveling

An example of pre-travel keto meal might be an 8 oz. ribeye steak, half an avocado, and cauliflower sauteed in butter.

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Pack keto snacks

There are plenty of keto-friendly snack choices available to keep you full during your travels. Pack a few of the following foods with you, depending on how long you’ll be at airports, on flights, etc.

Keto fat bombs – Fat bombs will give you an energy boost without spiking your blood sugar. They are typically made with coconut oil, cashew butter, cocoa butter, raw cacao, natural sweeteners like stevia, and occasionally, nuts and seeds. You can get them at stores, or you can easily make them at home. Some of the best fat bombs I’ve ever made I found in this dedicated recipe book full of keto fat bomb recipes on Amazon.

Canned sardines – Sardines are the perfect keto snack that you can bring with you on the road. They are packed with nutrients and minerals, and they are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B-12. Sardines are also one of the safest fishes when it comes to heavy metal contamination. Dom D’Agostino, one of the leading proponents of the ketogenic diet, prefers Wild Planet Sardines.

Note: You can see all the keto products that Dom D’Agostino takes & recommends in our exclusive case study

People’s Choice Beef Jerky – This is not the typical preservative-laden beef jerky that you find in supermarkets and convenience stores. People’s Choice is made of premium USA beef, and it contains no additives. It is high in protein and has zero carbs, making it perfect for the keto diet. Grab a couple of bags to take with you on your next trip.

Perfect Keto bars – The Perfect Keto snack bars come in delicious flavors like salted caramel, chocolate-chip cookie dough, and almond butter brownie. They’re so delicious that you’ll think you’re cheating. But you’re not, because they only contain 3 grams on net carbs, and they have no added sugars. They also pack 19 grams of healthy fats and grass-fed collagen protein to provide you with ample energy as you get through your flight.

NutsMacadamia nuts, cashews, and pecans are some other great keto snacks for the flight. Macadamia nuts will fill you up with ample fat calories, and they have dietary fiber, protein, and other beneficial minerals [1]. Pecans are rich in minerals and nutrients as well, and they might lower the risk of heart disease, promote healthy blood pressure, and lower bad cholesterol [2]. Not to mention, these nuts taste a heck of a lot better than airplane peanuts.

Note: We also recommend looking at Keto Meal Replacement options as ‘stand-in’ keto meals that are instant/easy to prepare when you don’t have access to a kitchen, you’re traveling or on-the-go.

Book keto-friendly accommodation

The keto snacks will only get you through your flight and travel time, but they likely won’t get you through your entire trip. For that, you’ll have to do some research and a little bit of planning.

You can start with your accommodation. If you’re booking your own hotel, try to find ones that have a kitchenette. Preparing meals might not be on the top of your travel to-do list, but it’s the best way to ensure you stay on the keto diet. Go one step further and try to book hotels with kitchens that are close to stores like Whole Foods or Trader Joes, where you’ll find high-quality keto-friendly foods. If you can’t find hotels with kitchens that are near grocery stores, consider booking an apartment on Airbnb.

If you’re not booking your own accommodation, look on Google Maps for restaurants that are close to where you’ll be staying. Then look for the menus on either their websites or on their Facebook pages, and see if they serve keto-friendly items like meat and vegetables. You could also check and see if your hotel offers room service, and if the menu has keto options.

Looking up grocery stores and restaurant menus might seem like a lot of work before a trip. But if you come up with a list of restaurants and a few menu choices beforehand, it’s more likely that you’ll stay on the keto diet throughout your trip.

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When you’re in a state of ketosis, you’re being fueled by something known as ketone bodies converted from fats, instead of glucose from carbs. Ketones can come from the dietary sources, or from supplements, hence the name exogenous ketones. Dom D’Agostino, the keto expert we mentioned above, relies on No products found.. They help him get through a busy work schedule with very little sleep. By increasing blood ketone levels, exogenous ketones help him sustain optimal energy levels for longer without needing additional calories.

Exogenous ketones can help you remain in ketosis by keeping your energy levels up and by eliminating or reducing your need for calories on a busy day, thus making you less likely to head for the drive-thru.

Final Thoughts on keto travel

Keto while traveling can seem challenging, especially if you don’t plan ahead. However, with a little research and preparation, you’ll be increasing your odds of remaining in ketosis exponentially. And remember, if you do end up eating some extra crabs, it’s not the end of the world. Tomorrow is another day, and you’ll have a new opportunity to get back into ketosis and enjoy all the transformative benefits of the keto diet!

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Agnit is the lead writer for uVitals. As an avid health and fitness enthusiast, he is passionate about writing content that helps people take control of their health to live happier, more productive lives. Someday, he plans to listen to his own advice and drink less coffee.

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